Indian Journals
Showing 1–30 of 124 results
Abhigyan is the quarterly Management Journal of Foundation for Organisational Research & Education, New Delhi. FORE has been publishing an internationally acclaimed refereed quarterly Management Journal ? ABHIGYAN for the last 34 years with unflinching regularity and affordable cost. The target group of Abhigyan is distinguished academics and the practitioners of management. Having a brand name among its peer group it emphasizes on original ideas. It is devoted to disseminating research and exploration of original ideas concerning organization and management. Abhigyan continues to be listed/indexed in GALE-Cengage Learning (Farmington Hills, USA), Cabell?s Directory of publishing opportunities in management of Cabell Publishing Inc. (Texas, USA), The Psyc INFO bibliography database of the American Psychological Association and Ulrich?s International Periodicals Directory, USA. Abhigyan is listed in the approved list of Journals of UGC (Serial No. 359). The journal is currently published under the guidance and editorship of Dr. Vinayshil Gautam, Chairman, DKIF . Abhigyan is an essential reading for social thinkers, opinion leaders, management practitioners, academicians, corporate, entrepreneurs, policy makers and more. The writings in Abhigyan make a contribution towards better management and to effective organization.
Advance Research Journal of Crop Improvement
Advance Research Journal of Crop Improvement is an official publication of the HAS. It features the original research in all branches of Crop and other cognate sciences of sufficient relevance. The journal publishes three types of articles. i.e. Review/Strategy/Case study (exclusively by invitation from the personalities of eminence), Research paper and Research Notc. The manuscripts should be submitted in triplicate with CD in al l respect to the Editor, Advance Research Journal of Crop Improvement
Advance Research Journal of Social Science
Advance Research Journal or Social Science is an official publication of the HAS. It features the original research in all branches of Social and other cognate sciences of sufficient relevance. The journal publishes three types of articles. i.e. Review/Strategy/Case study (exclusively by invitation from the personalities of eminence), Research paper and Research Note. The manuscripts should be submitted in triplicate with CD in all respect to the Editor, Advance Research Journal or Social Science,
Agriculture Update
Agriculture Update is an official publication of Ihe HAS. It features the original research in all branches of Agricultural Extension and other cognate branches of sufficient relevance. The journal publishes Ihree types of articles. i.e. Review/Strategy/Case study (exclusively by invitation from the personalities of eminence). Research paper and Research Note. The manuscripts should be submitted in triplicate with CD in all respect to the Editor
Artha Vijnana: Journal of The Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics
Artha Vijnana, started in March 1959, is a quarterly journal of Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics. This is a peer reviewed journal which publishes original articles in Economics and other social sciences. Artha Vijnana is published four times a year in March, June, September, and December. The ISSN number of the journal is 0971-586X. The financial support of Indian Council for Social Sciences Research (ICSSR) for production of the journal is gratefully acknowledged.
Artificial Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning
Performance of current speech recognition systems severely degrades in the presence of noise and reverberation. While rather simple and effective noise reduction techniques have been extensively applied, coping with reverberation still remains as one of the toughest problems in speech recognition and signal processing. The objective of this paper is to provide improved real- time noise cancelling performance while keeping the high quality of enhanced speech by using new robust adaptive beam former. The beam forming approach is based on a fundamental theory of Normalized Least Mean Squares (NLMS) to improve Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR).The microphone has been implemented with a Voice Activity Detector (VAD) which uses time-delay estimation. To obtain a more robust feature against reverberation, the Linear Predictive (LP) residual calculation is performed. The scope of the journal includes developing technologies in Ant Colony Optimization (ACO),Particle swarm optimization (PSO ),Genetic Algorithms (GAs), Evolunary Algorithms (EAs),Principal Component Analysis (PCA),Iris Recognition Systems, Speech Analysis and Recognition, Automatic Character/Language Recognition, Artificial Intelligence Tools for Computer Vision and Speech (understanding/interpretation),Knowledge Bases and Environments Adaptive Techniques, Artificial Intelligence for Software Engineering, Knowledge-Based System Architectures, Regression Analysis, Decision Trees, Modeling and Simulator Building, Modeling, Estimation and Prediction Techniques, Machine Learning Tools, Intelligent Large Scale Systems, Soft Computing, Linear and Non-Linear Systems, Artificial Perceptual Systems, Recognition Systems of Face and Facial Expressions, Fingerprint Identification and Recognition Systems, Footprint Identification and Recognition Systems, Software Engineering for Artificial intelligence.
Asian Journal of Environmental Science
Asian Journal of Environmental Science is an official publication of the HAS. It features the original research in all branches of Environmental Science and other cognate branches of sufficient relevance. The journal publishes three types of art icles. i.e. RevieW/Strategy/Case study (exclusively by invitation from the personalities of eminence), Research paper and Research Note. The manuscripts should be submitted in triplicate with CD in all respect to the Editor, Asian Journal of Environmental Science
Asian Journal of Home Science
Asian Journal of Home Science is an official publication of the HAS. It features the original research in all branches of Home Science and other cognate branches of sufficient relevance. The journal publishes three types of articles. i.e. Review/Strategy/Case study (exclusively by invitation from the personalities of eminence), Research paper and Research Note
Asian Journal of Management
Asian Journal of Management (AJM) (ISSN: print- 0976-495X; online- 2321-5763) is an international, peer-reviewed journal, devoted to managerial sciences. The aim of AJM is to publish the relevant to applied management theory and practice and identify both a compelling practical management issue and a strong theoretical framework for addressing it. AJM publishes Original Research Articles, Short Communications, Review Articles in all areas of managerial sciences. Topics covered are: Strategic Management; Services Management; Health Service Management; Education Management; Operations Management; Organizational Analysis; Financial Management; Organizational Planning; Policy Making and Decision Making; Ethics in Business; Motivation; Globalization; Training and Development; Recruitment and Selection; Industrial Relations; Virtual Technology; Change Management; Business Accounting Initiatives; Partnership Development; Organizational Behavior; Flexibility; Marketing Management; Operational Management; Financial Management; Pharmaceutical Management.
Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research AJNER is an international, peer-reviewed journal devoted to nursing sciences. AJNER's aim is to promote excellence in nursing and health care through the publication of clinical information and original research. AJNER publishes Original Research Articles, Short Communications, Review Articles in all areas of nursing sciences.
Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry
Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry (AJRC) is an international, peer-reviewed journal devoted to pure and applied chemistry. The aim of AJRC is to increase the impact of research both in academia and industry, with strong emphasis on quality and originality. AJRC publishes Original Research Articles, Short Communications, Review Articles in all aspects of chemistry. Topics covered including the traditional areas of analytical, inorganic, organic, biochemistry, forensic, physical-theoretical chemistry as well as newer interdisciplinary areas such as agriculture, materials science, computational, medicine, spectroscopy, polymers, supramolecular, surface, chemical physics, biological, medicinal/ drugs, environmental and pharmaceutical chemistry.
Atithya: A Journal of Hospitality
Atithya - A Journal of Hospitality is a biannual journal published by the All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society?s College of Hotel Management and Catering Technology (AISSMS CHMCT), Pune. The Journal aims at creating a platform for the professionals, educators, students and research scholars to publish their original research work in the field of Hospitality.
Automation and Autonomous System
Automation and Autonomous Systems focus on recitation fundamental developments in the field of Automation, with special prominence on autonomous systems. An important aim of this journal is to extend the state of the art in both symbolic and sensory based automation control and learning in the context of autonomous systems. Automation and Autonomous Systems will carry articles on the theoretical, computational and experimental aspects of autonomous systems, or modules of such systems. The Journal of Intelligent Automation Systems publishes original and peer reviewed contributions on theory, design, experiments, and applications in the area of Intelligent Automation Systems. The scope of the journal includes developing technologies in Technology & Computing, Heuristic and AI Planning Strategies and Tools, Computational Theories of Learning, Intelligent System Architectures, Reasoning and Evolution, Automatic Control, Robotics, Parallel Processing, Programming Languages ,Software & Hardware Architectures, CAD Design & Testing ,Web Intelligence Applications ,Multimedia & Cognitive Informatics ,Data Mining and Machine Learning Tools, Knowledge Representation.
Biometrics and Bioinformatics
The Aim of Journal Biometric and Bioinformatics focus on both of these aspects of biology and creates a dais for exploration and progress of these, relatively new disciplines by facilitating the exchange of information in the fields of computational molecular biology and post-genome bioinformatics and the role of statistics and mathematics in the biological sciences. Bioinformatics and Biometrics are expected to have a substantial impact on the scientific, engineering and economic development of the world. The scope of the journal includes developing technologies in Biomedical modeling and computer simulation, Bioinformatics database,Bio-grid,DNA assembly, clustering, and mapping, Telemedicine, Computational genomics, Intelligence, proteomics, structural biology-health,Bio-ontology and data mining, Hidden Markov models, Molecular evolution and phylogeny, Molecular modeling and simulation, Molecular sequence analysis, High performance computing, Parallel algorithms for biological analysis, Parallel architectures for biological applications, Phylogeny reconstruction algorithms, Protein structure prediction, Sequence assembly, Sequence search and alignment, Signaling and computation biomedical data engineering ,Simulated annealing, Statistical analysis, Stochastic grammars, Machine learning.
Central Journal of ISA
The Central Journal of ISA is a biannual peer-reviewed journal published by the Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists. The journal?s full text is available online at The journal does not charge for submission, processing or publication of manuscripts. The journal will cover research related to anaesthesiology, pain and critical care. Articles with clinical interest and implications will be given preference.
Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering
The aim of Journal Data Mining Knowledge Engineering focuses on theoretical and practical research development on knowledge engineering and data mining. The scope of the journal includes developing technologies in Data Analysis, Data cleaning and pre-processing, Data engineering, Data extraction and reporting, Data mining algorithms and processes, Data mining techniques, tools and applications, Decision analysis, Knowledge-based/rule-based/case based/expert system design, Knowledge acquisition, dissemination, discovery methodologies and technologies, Database design and architecture, Intelligent system design, Data integration and exchange, Data security and data integrity, Database administration and maintenance issues.
Digital Image Processing
The Aim of Journal on Digital Image Processing is a forum for presenting new advances and research results in the fields of Digital Image Processing. The scope of the journal covers all theoretical and practical aspects of the Digital Image Processing, from basic research to development of application. The scope of the journal includes developing technologies in Image generation and display, Enhancement and restoration, Segmentation, Face Recognition & Super-resolution imaging Color and texture analysis Object Detection, Recognition and Categorization Medical Image Analysis ,Motion and Tracking ,Stereo and Structure from Motion Image restoration, feature extraction Bioluminescence, Biomedical optics and cancer detection, Biometric imaging, Blurred and noisy image processing Detectors and Image Formation Digital transforms Document image understanding Edge detection, image analysis and classification Emerging Detection and Imaging Technologies Noise estimation and filtering.
Digital Signal Processing
The Journal of Signal Processing Systems publishes research, survey on the design and implementation of signal processing systems. In addition to original, peer reviewed content; the journal features high quality workshop, symposium, and conference papers with an emphasis on system design. The scope of the journal includes developing technologies in Signal Processing for Bio-Informatics, Signal Processing for Bio-Medical and Cognitive Science, Signal Processing for Cognitive Radio, Signal Processing for Internet, Wireless and Communications, Signal Processing for Security, Signal Processing for Sensor Networks, Sonar Signal Processing and Localization, Sparse Transform and Compressed Sensing, Spectrum Estimation and Modeling, Speech and Audio Coding, Speech Synthesis and Recognition, Statistic Learning, Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition, Statistical Analysis of Brain Signals after Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, TF Spectrum Analysis and Wavelet, Adaptive Filtering and Signal Processing, Array Signal Processing, Chaos Theory in EEG Brain Signals, Chaos Theory in MEG Brain Signals, Communication Signal Processing, Compressive Signal Processing and Sensing, Computer Vision and Virtual Reality, Hardware Implementation for Signal Processing, Higher Order Spectral Analysis, MEG Signals Processing in Biomedical Research, Multimedia and Human-Computer Interaction, Non-Stationary Signal Analysis and Time-Frequency Analysis, Optical Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition ,Radar Signal Processing.
Drishtikon: A Management Journal
Drishtikon: A Management Journal is a Biannual Journal of Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development. The objective of this journal is to disseminate knowledge encompassing emerging management concepts, product and process innovations, structure and performance of organizations and industries in dynamic socio-cultural, political, technological, economical and political environment. Journal is indexed within Ebsco Database, Cabell's Directory of Publishing Oppurtunities and Ulrich?s Periodical Directory.
FOCUS: Journal of International Business
Focus is a bi-annual referred journal that aims to publish innovative research in international business, addressing topical issues related to globalization and operation of multinational firms. With international business assuming an increasingly important role in the globalized world, there is a need to look into challenges and opportunities associated with it. The journal is devoted to promote research on theoretical and empirical aspects of different dimensions of international business such as international trade, foreign investment, regional economic integration, international monetary system, international business environment and multinational enterprises.The journal invites manuscripts that address new and unexplored issues related to international business.
Food Science Research Journal
Food Science Research Journal is an official publication of the HAS. It features the original research in all branches of Food and other cognate sciences of sufficient relevance. The journal publishes three types of artic les. i.e. Review/Strategy/Case study (exclusively by invitation from the personalities of eminence), Research paper and Research Note. The manuscripts should be submitted in triplicate with CD in all respect to the Editor, Food Science Research Journal
Fuzzy Systems
The Aim of Journal Fuzzy System gives research works in the theory and applications of fuzzy. It expanded so as to account for all facets of the field while emphasizing its specificity as bridging the gap between the flexibility of human representations and the precision and clarity of mathematical or computerized representations, be they numerical or symbolic. The scope of the journal includes developing technologies in Mathematics, Technology Management, Artificial Intelligence, Control, Robotics, Decision Making, Finance and Management, Information Systems, Operations Research, Pattern Recognition, Soft Computing, Uncertainty Modeling.
ICTACT Journal on Microelectronics
ICTACT Journal on Microelectronics (IJME) is a peer-reviewed International Journal published quarterly. IJME welcomes Scientists, Research Scholars, Academicians, Engineers to submit their original research papers which is neither published nor currently under review by other journals or conferences. Papers should emphasize original results relating to various aspects of Microelectronics. Review articles, focusing on multidisciplinary views of Micro-electronics are also welcome. The Journal will address the continued growth, concerns & challenges encountered, solutions adopted in the field of Microelectronics.