The Precious Pearls of the Bhagvadgita by Varshney, G.K. Prof.

In this book a new approach has been adopted to present the subject matter of the Bhagvadgita. In order to clearly understand the Gita, its whole subject-matter has been divided in nine main/major concepts. All the matter relating to a particular concept, scattered over the different chapters of the Gita, has been collected together and briefly explained under the concerened concept at one place. Then, conclusion about each concept has been given at its end. A notable feature of the book is that it has been attempted throughout to keep the interpretations of the couplets of the Gita exact, as they are, without embellishing them by personal sentiments and reverence. The author has been quite conscious to keep the explanation brief, clear and to the point. An effort has been made that each and every reader of the book clearly understand as to “What the Gita says about what and what is the real substance” — a new approach in real terms, that makes the book one of its own kind.

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