Motivating Thoughts of Atal Bihari Vajpayee by Raghav

As Prime Minister of the country Vajapyeekickstarted many reform and development movements. Under his leadership the Samjhauta Express started between India and Pakistan as a mark of improving the strained political relations between the two countries. Unfortunately it could not materialise based upon the infiltration and cross border violence carried out by Pakistan which eventually turned into the Kargil War in which India defeated Pakistan under the able leadership of Vajapayee. He is also credited for building the nuclear might of the nation by inducting the nuclear weapon programme in the defence capability. He also introduced some major reforms like – Pradhanmantri Gram SadakYojana, Swarnajayanti Gram SwarozgarYojana etc.
Much of what he accomplished during his lifetime can be understood on the basis of the ideas that guided him during his lifetime. This book is an attempt in this direction to offer a short and precise account of the thoughts and the concepts that drove this brave man over a journey of some six decades during which he struggled and succeeded. This book is a humble homage to that journey

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