Motivating Thoughts of Bill Gates by Mahesh Dutt Sharma

In 1983, Gates launched Windows operating system and it turned out to be huge hit in the market. This new system was significantly different from the MS-DOS platform which was text and keyboard driven. Windows on the other hand gave users a mouse to drive the graphic interface. Over the years Gates continued to bring innovation in Microsoft developing new software and also attempting to check the competition from other companies such as Apple and IBM. During the successive years Gates helped Microsoft develop new and better operating systems and also introduced Microsoft Office. The fortune of Gates continued to multiply over years and he became one of the wealthiest individuals in the entire world and he continues to hold that position even today. He has also been actively involved in philanthropic activities through his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that undertakes humanitarian endeavours to help millions of poor and underprivileged people in the world. This book is a compilation of some of the most motivating thoughts of Gates that can inspire the young and the old in their search for excellence.

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