The Learned Women by Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (Moliere)

ARM. What! Sister, you will give up the sweet and enchanting title of maiden? You can entertain thoughts of marrying! This vulgar wish can enter your head!
HEN. Yes, sister.
ARM. Ah! Who can bear that “yes”? Can anyone hear it without feelings of disgust?
HEN. What is there in marriage which can oblige you, sister, to….
ARM. Ah! Fie!
HEN. What?
ARM. Fie! I tell you. Can you not conceive what offence the very mention of such a word presents to the imagination, and what a repulsive image it offers to the thoughts? Do you not shudder before it? And can you bring yourself to accept all the consequences which this word implies?
HEN. When I consider all the consequences which this word implies, I only have offered to my thoughts a husband, children, and a home; and I see nothing in all this to defile the imagination, or to make one shudder.



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