Dictionary of Verbs by Harmik Vaishnav

Verb’ is the most important word of an English sentence. It denotes the action, tells or asserts something about a person or thing. There cannot be a sentence without a verb. The form of a verb changes as the tense. There are four forms of the verb namely—present, present participle, past tense and past participle. There are different kinds of verbs like regular and irregular verbs and transitive and intransitive verbs. In learning any language, the tense is the most important aspect of grammar and the verb is the most important in tenses.
In this book there is a compilation of many verbs in alphabetical order with all the four forms of present, present participle, past tense and past participle. Each form is explained with a sentence for understanding the usage of the said form.
This book will be useful to understand the right use of verbs. It will be useful to students, aspirants of competitive exams, professionals and of course the lovers of English language.

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