Expository Thoughts on the Gospels – St. John Vol. 2

The fourteen years which have “passed over” me since I first began writing on the Gospels, I humbly hope have not been thrown away. They have been to me years of many trials, and I may add of much work, much reading, much reflection, and not a little prayer. At the end of these fourteen years, I feel more than ever convinced that what are called “Evangelical” views of Christian truth are thoroughly Scriptural views, and will bear the test of any fair investigation. The longer I live the more firmly I am persuaded that no system of divinity is so entirely in harmony with the Bible, as the system which rightly or wrongly is called “Evangelical.” I now send forth this volume with an earnest prayer that God may bless it and make it useful. Ignorance of Scripture, I feel more than ever, is the curse of these latter days. Men read many books, and yet neglect “the one Book.” If I can help to make the Bible more plain and interesting to any man’s soul, I shall be abundantly content. (From the Preface) Books in this series: Expository Thoughts on the Gospel of St. Matthew Expository Thoughts on the Gospel of St. Mark Expository Thoughts on the Gospel of St. Luke, Vol. 1 Expository Thoughts on the Gospel of St. Luke, Vol. 2 Expository Thoughts on the Gospel of St. John, Vol. 1 Expository Thoughts on the Gospel of St. John, Vol. 2 Expository Thoughts on the Gospel of St. John, Vol. 3



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