Jungles Tales of Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs

Tarzan is a fictional character created by Edgar Rice Burroughs, who has captivated the readers both young and old ever since he first appeared in Tarzan of the Apes. Raised by apes in the African jungles, Tarzan is supposed to be the son of a British lord and lady stranded on the Atlantic coast of Africa. The original book by the author was a classic meant for children, but captivated even the adults. The present book Jungle Tales of Tarzan is a collection of a series of twelve short stories written by Burroughs. These short but very interesting stories are from the life of Tarzan and depict incidents in his life in the jungle.
Edgar Rice Burroughs transports the reader to a world that he has built from his fertile imagination. The reader gets completely immersed in this world, so much so that it seems more real than the real world. One takes a journey through the various incidents from the life of Tarzan: his first love, capture of Tarzan by cannibals, fight for Balu, Tarzan’s discovery of God in the books of his dead parents, etc.
The present book is a must read for all who are enamoured by Tarzan and his tales.

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