Sardar : the Sovereign Saint by Dinkar Joshi

hankar, connect me immediately to the Prime Minister.”
Without wasting time on any further questions, Shankar dialled the telephone number of the Prime Minister’s residence. Unfortunately, the Prime Minister had left for the radio station.
Shankar rushed back to give the message to Sardar. Sardar impatiently said :
“Shankar, leave immediately for the Radio Station. Go quickly. Try to hold back the Prime Minister’s speech. By no means should the matter related to plebiscite and UNO be relayed. If this happens, the whole country will be put into a great trouble. If need be, cancel this programme. Please leave immediately.”
Having waded through the traffic on the way, Shankar reached finally to the radio station but he was late. The Prime Minister was reading his speech on the microphone. Shankar heard him referring to the plebiscite and UNO. The whole world was listening to it. Shankar banged his head.
—Extract from this novel

A biographical novel on the Iron Man of India Sardar Patel which brings to light various known-unknown facets of his inspiring life. His contribution and efforts for the unification of princely states laid the foundation for a sovereign Bharat.
A must read book for every true Indian.

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