Satyagraha in Champaran by Dr. Rajendra Prasad

An honest and authentic account of Mahatma Gandhi’s first major work in the country after his return from South Africa, ‘Satyagraha in Champaran’ is a well documented book that narrates in graphic details the entire Champaran story—geography and history of the region, the non-violent crusade against the injustice perpetrated by the indigo planters, emancipation of ryots from the age-long tyranny, and the constructive work begun to improve the lot of the villagers. It is also an effective delineation of Mahatmaji’s method of work—the technique of Satyagraha, which, later organised through the length and breadth of the country, won India freedom from foreign rule.
Coming from the pen of an active participant in the Champaran Satyagraha and later the Freedom Movement, this book acquires the significance of an important document in the history of Indian nationalism.

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