Say No to Fear Be a Winner by Surendra Nath Saxena

Courage is the most powerful tool to conquer every problem whether it is imaginary or real. There are various forms of troubles that grip one at one time or the other. Conquering them is the only way to be a winner. Problems may be concrete manifestations of fears and anxieties, long lasting or ephemeral or inhibitions and phobias. Whatever be the form, it takes courage to successfully conquer them. There is nothing one cannot conquer. It just needs courage. This is what this book addresses. It shows how one can overcome fear, anxieties, phobias, obsessions, etc. through courage. Practice courage and always be a winner. The author has taken real life incidents and cases to show how people have conquered foibles and problems to be winners. The book makes one strong through various methods discussed in the book to be able to ‘Say No to Fear’ and ‘Be a Winner’.
A must book for everyone who aspires for personal achievements and true success.

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