Selected Poems by Atal Bihari Vajpayee

Shri Atal Bihari Vajapyee has been a patriotic social activist since early childhood, when the country was still under British colonial rule. He started writing poetry during school days. He has always been a poet at heart keeping social sensitivity. He develops intimate relationship with fellow human beings and the nation with intense feelings which find expression in his poetry. He is a critically acclaimed poet.
Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee has been an influence on the Indian society. He, as an illustrious parliamentarian and an intellectual with deep understanding on national and international affairs has been an active participant in shaping India’s post-Independence–domestic and foreign policies. He commands respect for his liberal worldview and commitment to democratic ideals. He was Prime Minister of India through three democratic mandates.
Arvind Shah is a poet, translator and a children’s writer. His publications include children’s books, poems and translations. His translations represent the sentiments of the poet.

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