Subhdara Kumari Chauhan by Manish Kumar

Subhadra was a naughty child. Therefore, her parents took special care of her. She was often scolded because of her sharp and prankishful nature. But she was very kind at heart. She behaved very politely even with the servants of her house.
Her parents taught her how to read and write at home. Then, her primary education took place in a school at Prayag (Allahabad). She had been inclined to write right since her school days. She wrote her first poem at the age of 15. Her inclination towards writing was often the cause of problem for her parents and teachers. Subhadra often composed her poems in mathematics notebook.
In 1919, Subhadra was a student of class nine. The Jallianwallah Bagh massacre in Punjab had taken place that year. The kind-hearted Subhadra was moved and decided to use her pen as a weapon.

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