The Girl from Himachal & Other Stories by Yashwant Mande

The two previous books written by the author were immensely liked by the readers. ‘The Hero of Kargil’ contained stories on wars which have been fought by India after Independence. ‘The Terror in Kashmir’ was a collection of stories on civil subjects from Vedic days to the present times.
This book contains stories on contemporary topics. The subjects are diverse, entirely different from each other and include incidents from the various regions of the country. Some of the stories are based on real lives of people, who have made a noteworthy contribution to our progress. Half of the stories are on women; in the last sixty years they have come out of the shelf and are taking active part in all fields of activity.
The stories have been written in an endearing style. They are fast moving, full of twists and turns, and keep curiosity alive right up to the end. The topics are off beat providing novelty to the readers. It is a book which ought to be read by all- the young, old and particularly the women.

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