The Seeds of Creation by Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’

The collection of poems in The Seeds of Creation by legendary poet Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ is symbol of his inexhaustible but ever-evolving thinking personality and hence, persuasively inspired by ‘consciousness of creation’. It is virtually a vibrant bouquet of iridescent life experiences of lively and creative thoughts of the heart swinging from the eternal swing of joy, hope, despair, truth, and untruth by the poet which will surely enchant the readers.
The poems meet all the criteria of literature. ‘Nishank’ is a creator fully devoted to sublime thinking and human sensibilities and is in favour of higher values of society. In this collection too, this same sublime musings of the poet have resurfaced.
The Seeds of Creation is a readable compilation of popular poems revealing the values inherent in nature, human relations, and life.
In the world
The poorest
And the weak
Is the one
Who from within
Is weak
Besides who lacks
Control over the self.
Never stop for a moment
Sometimes flows like
the ocean
Sometimes swarms like
the storm
Suffers joy and sorrows,
The relationships of the
world in this
Bind like an unbreakable bond.
Fill not the heart with poison
Leave the bitterness of speech,
Break the chains of selfishness
In a moment.
Look! How humble is it!
While bearing fruits
It bent
Until quietly fuses
With the earth where it stands.
That’s why, it’s said–
Talented person akin to a fructuous tree
Always connects with life,
Idiot like a stub
Sans fruit and inflorescence
Is irrelevantly obdurate.
—from this collection

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