The Two Plans by Deendayal Upadhyaya
distinguished by originality, lucidity and analytical faculty, this book presents a critical study of the two (first & second five year) plans. its penetrating analysis and sound approach shed a great deal of light on conception, inception, execution, promises and performance of the plans. not only that, it gives a timely warning to the airy idealists, selfcomplacent people in power and outside, theoretical statisticians and totalitarian thinkers that it would be desirable to reconsider our whole attitude towards planning, and if we cannot take to correct policies, the future of the whole nation may be jeopardised.
planning is a dynamic process and is based on the traditional values and fundamental postulates of a country’s life and culture. the persons responsible for planning in india seem to have been either ignorant or deliberately preferred to ignore this important consideration.
the book by eminent nationalist thinker pandit deendayal upadhyay raises critical questions and vital issues concerning our socioeconomic ills and evils and their patent and popular remedies imported and imbibed either from the communist or the capitalist countries.
Publication Language |
English |
Publication Type |
eBooks |
Publication License Type |
Premium |
Publication Mode |
Online |
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