Time Management for Students by Mamta Mehrotra
Successful people control their time on their own while the time of unsuccessful people is controlled by others. The reason behind the success story of successful people is their ‘time management’. In reality, it is very important to discipline life, achieve success and to live a comfortable life. If we make time management an important factor in our life, then we will have sufficient time to complete every work. Those people who don’t work according to the time management always cry for the unavailability of time.
Students should work only
in accordance with time-management because it is very important for them and will help them in achieving success. To make sure, students should make a time planner for the whole year, which carries information on what things should be done everyday. The planner should be prepared in such a way that before the commencement of final exams, each topic has been revised at least four times. There is only one simple solution which states that, before sleeping, one should take half-an-hour for revision to what he has studied in a whole day.
Time management is the key to life’s success. Further, in this book, you will get a deep analysis of time management and I am sure this is going to help you a lot.
Publication Language |
English |
Publication Type |
eBooks |
Publication License Type |
Premium |
Publication Mode |
Online |
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